Saturday, December 15, 2012

Creating Picture Book

SURPRISE!!!! I will be creating a picture book on Wattpad of Ameba Pico. Each picture will have its own story so I will post the link as soon as it's finished!
P.S. I only recently noticed Ameba Pico is totally an Otaku game. I guess I'm slow! <3 OTAKU <3

~Post from~
Otaku Gurl


Friday, December 7, 2012

Armor and Cookie, thank you for being there for me. You're really like sisters that don't get into arguments over stupid things! I will miss you and Pico so much!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pico ending December 17th

Unexpectedly, Pico is ending December 17th. This means all of our hard work, time, friends, and real life MONEY spent on the game will all be gone. This is devastating! This isn't a joke. I know Pico would really do this because they ended their World Chef game unexpectedly without any notice! Since I absolutely will NOT take any chances by saying it isn't ending, I am going to take pictures with my friends and all of the places while there is still time. It's official here:
Picos still think there is a chance. They say if you sign this petition:

Please sign the petition. I don't know if it's real or not, but it's not like it can hurt to try. No one wants Pico to end! All blogs on Pico will just become dusty old books.... SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Singing Glitch

Once you click the singing action then go to another action, the singing will still continue. Observe:

Response to 'Fake Chatlogs'

''You have no proof that the chat logs and fights are true. You could have just made them up. There's no proof because you have no pictures.''

Do you really think I could make up a whole huge chat log? EVERY chat log on this blog has been copied and pasted from the real chat log. FEEL FREE TO CHECK FOR EVERY ERROR, BECAUSE THERE WON'T BE ANY!